
Team Supreme

Monday, August 3, 2009

my old times

lately... the astro is showing
quite some of my old time favourites

its been my favourite since i was young
a kid
some may sound boring and old
but i never get bored of it though

this is a very old movie
and hardly anyone watch before
but seriously
this movie is a great movie
but this hardly seen in tv anymore
so best is download it

my childhood movie

i still have the collection of these movie starting from here....
indiana jones
its a big record
the old style cd
the big big record
cant watch with it now...
cuz i didnt stall the player to my tv

so is true lies
so sad that arnold schwarzenegger dont act anymore
as he had became a mayor
this is also my dad's favourite movie too!

when jackie chan and jet li
meets each other
isn't it great!?

actually i love all jackie chan's movie
so its not just only this
but there's too much to show what movie he had acted in
but recently... are these few movies i watched in the tv
i love those that he act when he was younger in Hong Kong
and i mean the REAL OLD ones

started from the new police story....
his movies gets real touching
and moved our feelings
especially shinjuku incident
it was a surprise that he became a villain
and a gangster leader
AND... not to forget... a very first violent movie he ever act
usually in the movies he act before....
he do not kill the people....
especially this harsh...
blood splashing everywhere
the ending was quite sad

Jackie Chan gives me a feeling like my father
as they both have similarities
the height
the size.... well
my dad use to be slightly thinner than now hehehe
and they are almost the same age too!!! ^^

i still prefer the 2 mummy's movie than the last wan ^^
much more nice and interesting

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